English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech.


Speech: “Speech in English grammar is the way of narrating or reporting another person’s words.
There are two ways of narrating.
(1) Direct Speech………….
(2) Indirect Speech………..
Direct Speech: Direct Speech is narrating or reproducing the exact words of the speaker. We use quotation mark (“……”). In direct speech; we use the exact words of the speaker beginning with the capital letter in quotation marks in direct speech.
Indirect or Reported Speech: Indirect Speech is narrating or reproducing the idea of the speaker’s exact words. Quotation marks are not used in indirect speech.
Only the idea of the speaker is used in indirect speech not the exact words. In changing a Sentence from direct to indirect speech, the following points must be considered.
A speech has two parts.
Ex: He Said, “I take lunch”
   Reporting Speech Reported Speech
1. Reporting Speech. 2. Reported Speech
(1) Reporting Speech: The part of direct speech out of the inverted commas is called “Reporting Speech”. It is called reporting speech because here the reference of the person who has said something is being reported.
Ex: She Says, “I will cook”
Reported Speech
(2) Reported Speech: The part of direct speech inside inverted commas is called “Reported Speech”.
It is called reported speech because it is already quoted from the speaker and said as it was reported.
Ex: She Says, “I will cook”.
      Reporting Speech Reported Speech.
Rules Of Changing a Direct Speech into Indirect:
(1) Changes In Pronoun: (1) First person pronoun (I, We) are changed according to the subject of reporting Speech. 
(2) Second person pronoun ( You ) is changed according to object of reporting clause.
(3) Third person pronoun ( He, She, It, They ) are not changed or unchanged.
(3) Tense Change: when the reporting speech is in past then we will change the tense of reported speech in not changed….
Example: Direct Speech: He says to me, “I play cricket.”
Indirect Speech: He says to me that he plays cricket.
Direct Speech: He said to me, “I play cricket.”
Indirect Speech: He said to me that he played cricket.
Verb tenses in Reported Speech:
a) Simple present to Simple Past.
Ex: He said, “I go to school”.
He said that he went to school.
b) Present Continuous to Past Continuous.
Ex: Asif said, “We are reading English”.
Asif said that they were reading English.
c) Simple Past to Past Perfect.
Ex: They said, “We went to Karachi”.
       They said that they had gone to Karachi.
d) Past Continuous to Past Perfect Continuous.
Ex: We said, “We were taking lunch”.
We said we had been taking lunch.
e) Present Perfect to Past Perfect.
Ex: She said, “I have bought a house”.
       She said that she had bought a house.
f) Present Perfect Continuous to Past Perfect Continuous.
Ex: She said, “I have been reading English”.
She said that she had been reading English.
g) Will to Would.
Ex: Jamil said, “We will go to Kalat”.
Jamil said that they would go to Kalat.
h) Shall to Should.
Ex: I said, “You shall come here”.
I said that you would go here.
i) May to Might.
Ex: They said, “We may buy a car”
They said that they might buy a car.
j) Should to Should.
Ex: She said, “You should wash your house”.
She said to me that I should wash my house.
k) Ought to into Ought to.
Ex: Waseem said, “I ought to pass the exam”.
Waseem said that he ought to pass the exam.
l) Must to had to.
Ex:He said, “I must beat him”.
He said that he had to beat him.
m) Can to Could.
Ex: He said, “I can investigate about it”.
He said that he could investigate about that.
n) Have to Had to.
Ex: Ali said, “I have to go”.
Ali said that he had to go.
Some adverbs of time and place are changed in reported speech.
Note: Change in adverb of “Place” and “Time” and come and go is subject to change of location and time.
Now to Then
This to That
These to Those
Today to Thatday
Yesterday to The previous day or the day before
Tonight to That night
Tomorrow to Next day
Last week to Previous week
Last month to Previous month
Here to There
Go to Come
Come to Go

Interrogative sentence in Indirect Speech
Note: when in reported speech sentence being used is a interrogative sentence then :
Said is replaced by Asked Say is replaced by ask
Says is replaced by Asks.
Interrogative Sentence: ( with the help of Helping Verb or Modal Verbs)
Note: If in Reported Speech interrogative sentence is used and that interrogative sentence is asked with the help or helping verb or modal verb then Inverted commas (“.”) are replace by If/Whether, and after if/whether the statement should be simple.
Example: Direct Speech:  Ali said to me, “Do you play cricket?”
Indirect Speech: Ali asked me If I played cricket.
Direct Speech: She said to him, “Can you cook food?”
Indirect Speech: She asked him if she could cook food.
Interrogative Sentence:(with the help or Wh words)
Note: If in reported speech question is asked with the help of Wh words then Wh words themselves take the place of inverted commas (“ “), and after that Wh words statement should be simple.
Example:Direct Speech: Akbar said to me, “Where do you live?”
Indirect Speech: Akbar asked me where I lived.
Direct Speech: Tahir said to him, “What are you doing?”
Indirect Speech: Tahir asked him what he was doing.
Imperative Sentences into Indirect Speech:
Note: If in reported speech imperative sentence is used then:
Said is replaced by Ordered, advised, instructed, commanded, requested, etc.
Affirmative Imperative:
Note: If in reported speech affirmative imperative is used than inverted commas (“ “) are replaced by “to”.
Example: Direct Speech: She said to Ali, “Go out”. (order)
Indirect Speech: She ordered Ali to go out.
Direct Speech: Ali said to them, “Pass the sugar please”. (request)
Indirect Speech: Ali requested them to pass the sugar.

Negative Imperative:
Note: If in reported speech negative imperative is used then inverted commas (“ “) are replaced by “not”, and “to” will come with the first form or verb.
Example: Direct Speech: They said to me, “Don’t abuse anyone.” (advice)
Indirect Speech: They advised me not to abuse any one.

Ex: He said, “Good morning”.
He greeted me or he wished me good morning.
He said, “Thank You”.
He thanked me.
He said, “Let’s get something to eat”.
He suggested to get something to eat.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Is/am Was
Am Were
Was/Were Had been
Will/Shall Would
Have/Has Had
Can Could
May Might
Must Must/Had to
Have to / Has to Had to

“Direct and Indirect Question”
Q:- What are direct question?
Ans:- In direct question, we ask directly someone.
Indirect question, we don’t ask directly; we ask indirectly; we say to another person to ask him / her this question.
Ex: Will you come us? (Direct question)
Ask him if he will come with us. (Indirect question)
Is he working? (Direct question)
Ask him if he is working. (Indirect question)
Did he go there? (Direct question)
Ask him whether he went there. (Indirect question)
Where do you live? (Direct question)
Ask him where he live. (Indirect question)
What time is it? (Direct question)
Ask him what time it is. (Indirect question)
What do you do? (Direct question)
Ask them what they do. (Indirect question)
Where do they live? (Direct question)
Ask them where they live. (Indirect question)

Changing to Imperative Sentences.
1) He said to him, “Type these letters”. (Direct)
He ordered him to type those letters. (Indirect)
2) She said to them, “Please help me”.
She requested them to help her.
3) I said to her, “Be care full”.
I advised her to be care full.
4) His father said to him, “Don’t sit with bad boys”.
His father forbade him to sit with bad boys.
5) He said to him, “Bring me a glass of water”.
He asked him to bring him a glass of water.
6) He said to me, “Kindly grant me a job in you academy”.
He requested me to grant him a job in my academy.
7) He said to her, “Try again and again”.
He encouraged her to try again and again.
8) I said to them, “Don’t sit here”.
I told them not to sit there.
9) He said to me, “Please let me sit here”.
He requested me to let him sit there.
10) They said to us, “Don’t speak loudly here”.
They directed us not to speak loudly here.


Those sentences which show conditions. Conditional Sentences predict about something, and show probability and possibility.
There are two parts in conditional sentences.
One is “If clause” shows condition.
Second is “main clause” which shows result.
We say the result of the said condition. There are three kinds of conditional sentences and there is one called zero conditional.
i. Type I / The first conditional sentences.
ii. Type II / The second conditional sentences.
iii. Type III / The third conditional sentences.
iv. Zero or mixed conditional sentences.
The conditional Sentence is used probability possibility.
If clause is in present simple and the main clause is in future simple tense.
Note: “If” is always contrary to the fact.
(1) For probable present / Future action: 
Formula: If + sub + present indefinite + comma + sub + will/shall + 1st v + obj
Ex: If he works hard. he will pass the exam.
If clause/condition Main clause/result

If we run fast.We shall win the race.
If clause/condition Main clause/result

        If they respect teachers, they will get success.
        If you watch T.V, you will fail in exam.
(2) For probable Present / Future Status:
Formula: If + sub + is, are, am + comp + comma + sub + will/shall + 1st v + obj
Ex: If he is a teacher, we shall study with him.
If we are intelligent, we will defeat them.
If you are a teacher, the students will ask you questions.
(3) For Probable Present / Future Property:
Formula: If + sub + has / have + obj + comma + sub + will/shall + 1st v + obj
Ex: If I have a car, I shall drive it.
If they have money, they will go to London.
Is she has a book, she will read it.

(1st Conditional Sentences)
(1) For Possibility in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + present tense + comma + sub + may / might + 1st v + obj
Ex: If I get money, I may / might buy a car. (possibility)
If clouds get thicker, it may / might rain. (possibility)
If she meets him, she may / might marry with him.

(2) For Permission in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + present tense + sub + may + 1st v + obj
Ex: If you are competent, you may take my class. (Permission)
If he is good boy, he may come with us.
If you work hard, you may take admission in horizon.

(3) For ability in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + present tense + comma + sub + can + 1st v + obj
Ex: If you know English, you can teach horizon academy.
If they are competent, they can get money.
If she is intelligent, she can teach them.

(4) For command in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + present tense + comma + sub + must / had better + 1st v + obj
Ex: If you want to loss weight, you must eat less.
If they like to win, they had better prepare before.
I wants success, he must work hard.

(5) For request in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + present tense + comma + could + sub + 1st v + obj +?
Ex: If you are free, could you bring me glass of water?
If you meet Ali, could you ask him to come?
If you go there, could you call him?
(6) For suggestion / Advice in main clause
Formula: If + sub + present tense + comma + sub + should+ 1st v + obj
Ex: If you have money, you should respect your teachers.
If you have much money, you should go to London for higher education.
If he has a car, he should keep it clean.

“Variation of if Clause”
Special uses of will/shall and should in if clause will and would are used for polite request in if clause “would” is more polite.
Formula: If + sub + will/would + 1st v + comma + sub + 1st v +obj
Ex: If you will/would sit here, I shall call him.
If you will/would inform me about him, I shall be thankful.
If he will/would come home. I shall give him my book.

(2) Will and would are used for willingness in if clause.

Formula: If + sub + will/would + 1st v + obj + future simple
Ex: If you will/would come to my academy, I shall meet you.
If she will/would listen me, I shall help him.

(3) Will is used for insistence in if clause.
Formula: If + sub + 1st v + obj + future simple
Ex: If you drive fast, I will not give you my car.


This conditional Sentences shows unreal present. Here the past tense in if clause is not true past rather it is in subjunctives ( unreal / untrue ) or it is used when the supposition us contrary to know facts.
(1) For unreal Present Actions.
Formula: If + sub + past indefinite + comma + sub + would + 1st v + obj
Ex: If he worked hard, he would pass the exam.
If you played well, you would win the match.
If he watched T.V, he would fail in exam.
(2¬) For unreal present status.
Formula: If + sub + were + obj + comma + sub + would + 1st v + obj
Ex: If they had money,they would go to London.
They don’t have     Certain result

“variation of main clause”

Might, could, can be used instead of “would” to show possibility, ability and permission.
(1) Possible result in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + past indefinite + comma + sub + might + 1st v + obj
Ex: If he departed early, he might get train.
If he had money, we might go to USA.
If he were rich, he might go to England.
(2) Ability in main clause.
Formula: If + sub + past indefinite + comma + sub + could + 1st v + obj
Ex: If he played well, he could win the game.
If I were a doctor; I could treat you.
(3) For permission in main clause.
Formula: If + past indefinite + comma + sub + could/ might+ 1st v + obj
Ex: If he had taken permission, he could / might come in.
Permission ability


This Condition Sentence is used for unreal past the verb in the main clause is in the past perfect tense, and the verb in the main clause is in the perfect conditional, the time is past and the conditional can not be fulfilled because the action in the if clause did not happen.
(1) For unreal past action.
Formula: If + sub + past perfect + comma + sub + would have+ 3rd v + obj
Ex: If he had worked hard, he would have succeeded.
If she had come in time, we would have helped her.
If they had run fast, they would have won the race.
(2) For unreal pass status.
Formula: If + sub + past perfect + comma + sub + would have+ 3rd v + obj
Ex: If I had been a rich, I would have gone to London.
If he had been a doctor, he would have treated the patients.
If the students have been poor, we would have supported them.
(3) For unreal past property.
Formula: If + sub + had been + obj + comma + sub + would have+ 3rd v + obj
Ex: If I had money, I would have got higher education.
If she had a mobile, she would have called you.
If he had a story book, she would have read it.
“Zero Conditionals”

Def:- When an action automatically tells the result because of another action, is called Zero Conditionals.
Note:- Both “If” or “Main” Clause are in present indefinite or past indefinite tense.

(1) For The Present Habits.
Ex:- If she laughs, She keeps on laughing.
If I teach, I teach serious.
(2) For Past Habits.
Ex:- If I laughs, I kept on laughing.

“Mixed Conditional”

Def:= When we imagine about the past and present facts is called Mixed Conditional.
Note:- Here, The main clause gives the sense of present.

In Main Clause for Present:
Ex:- If I had worked in hard in childhood, I would lead a comfortable life today.
         If I had helped him, I might not be facing problems today.

“Tag Question / Attached Question”

Def:- Those short question, which are used for confirmation / agree and they are called attached question, because they are attached with another statement.
Ex:- He is mad. (statement)
Isn’t he. (Tag question)
Cases of tag question:
Tag question after affirmative Statements.
Usage:- After affirmative statements we use negative, interrogative question tag.
Ex: You play football, don’t you?
I can speak English, Can’t I?
He went to bazar, didn’t he?
Function:- These tags are used to confirm the statements, when the sentence is in negative then answer will be positive.
Usage:- After negative statement we use ordinary questions.
Ex:- Ali does not play football. (Negative Statement)
Does he? (ordinary question)
Comment Tags
Usage:- Those tag questions where we use ordinary questions after affirmative statements.
Ordinary Tag Questions Affirmative Statements
I saw them, Didn’t I?
They play well, Don’t they?
I watch T.V, Don’t I?
We speak English, Don’t we?

And after negative statement, we use negative, interrogative tag.
Negative Staement Negative Interrogative
He doesn’t play well, Does he?
She didn’t read book, Did she?
We don’t watch T.V, Do we?
They don’t go to college, Do they?
Def:- Those sentences which express order, request, suggestion, advice, invitation and urge.

Imperative Statement Function
Get out. Order
Please, sit down. Request
Lets read a book. Suggestion
Obey your teacher. Advice
Have a tea. Invitation
Work and work hard. Urge

Note:- As in the above mentioned sentences subject is not mentioned because it is under stood, with 2nd person pronoun (you) but the pronoun (you) can be used if the speaker wishes.

Negative Imperative: We use “negative imperative Sentences” we order some one not to do something.
Ex: Don’t eat in the class.
Don’t speak all time.


Def: Those verbs which are followed by adverbs and they always give idiomatic meaning.
Formula: verb + Adverbs
Ex: “Make out”
As the verb “Make” means “to construct” or “to build” but when it is followed by the adverb “out” it means “to understand” which is an idiomatic meaning.


Def: Pronoun which join two clauses are called relative pronoun.
Ex: He is the man who speaks English.
She is the girl whom we teach.
That, who, which, whom, whose etc.
That: Is used for people and things.
Who: Is used for people.
Which: Is used for things.
Whom: Is used for people as object only.
Whose: Is used for people and things in possessive case.


Def: Myself, yourself, yourselves herself, himself, itself, themselves and ourselves are called reflexive pronouns.
Note: Reflexive pronouns are used in different places for different meanings. 
(1) When the subject and object are the same person. 
Formula: Sub + (H.V) + verb + R.P +
Ex: I cut myself. 
She like herself. 
(2) When some one does an action himself. 
Formula: Sub + (H.V) + verb + obj + R.P
Ex: I cook food myself. 
She taught me herself. 
(3) To stress. 
Formula: Sub + R.P + (H.V) + verb + obj
Ex: I myself went to Karachi. 
They themselves resigned. 

Pronouns Reflexive /Emphatic Pronouns 
1 Myself
Your Yourself
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself
We Ourselves
They Themselves
One Oneself 


“Have got” and “has got” are verb phrases. We use them to show possession or belonging. “Have got” and “has got” means “has/have” they are informal.
Ex: They have got three cars in Karachi.
Faraz has got a T.V. 
Have you got three cars in Karachi?


Would is used in different places for different meanings. 
(1) Past Tense of will. 
(2) Conditions or uncertainty. 
(3) Request.
(4) Wish 
Ex: He said that he would go to Muree. (Past Tense of will)
If he had worked hard, he would have passed the exam. (Condition)
Would you do this work for me? (Request)
“Would you mind?”
Def: “Would you mind?” is used for very polite request.
Ex: Would you mind showing me horizon academy?
Would you mind sitting here?
Would you mind telling me your number?
“Would Like”
Def: “Would like” is used to ask a wish of some one very politely.
Ex: Would you like to sit here?
I would like to go.
Would you like to teach me?
“May / Might have”

Def: When we speak doubt fully to express less than 60% present possibility that some one has or has not done that action.
Ex: Horizon is a good academy you might have seen it.
He may / might have gone to Kalat.

“Come what may”

Def: “Come what may” is used when the speaker express stress or emphasis in his words that whatever reaction result of his action be, he will do the action.
Ex: Come what may, I will go there.
Come what may, he will teach here.
Come what may, you have to go.


Def: Idioms are groups of words which give different special meaning from than the literal meaning.
Ex: Dark Horse.
Now if we see the meaning of the above words “dark” means dismal and “horse” is a name of animal but here “dark horse” means that person who is the unexpected winner.


To look big متاثر کرنا
Bit by bit تھوڑی تھوڑی
Bitter sweet تلخ و شیریں مزاج
Black and blue شدید 
Black sheep کالی بھیڑ
Black hole فوجی قبضے میں
Wet blanket مزہ خراب کرنا
Blind fold غیر محتاط
Chip of the old book جیسا باپ ویسا بیٹا
Blood sucker خون چوسنے والے
Blood and iron طاقت کا ظالمانہ استعمال
Blow one’s own trumpet اپنی تعریف کرنا 
To come to blow مارنے مرنے پر آمادہ
Once in a blue moon کبھی کبھار
To have on hour to another’s boat دوسروں کے معاملے میں ٹانگ اڑانا
Body and Soul دل و جان سے
Bone of Contention فساد کی جڑ
Book warm کتابی کیڑا
Talk like a book کتابی باتیں کرنا
Loos the heart ہمت ہارنا
In the wrong box غلط جگہ پر
Brain fag ذہنی تھکان
Root and branch جڑ سے
Brazen-faced بے شرم
Breach of promise وعدہ خلافی
Break a jest مزاق اُڑانا 
Break the heart دل توڑنا
Take breath آرام کرنا
Spends one’s breath فضول
Bubble over ناراض ہونا
Burn a hole in one’s pocket پیسے خرچ کرنے کو بے چین ہونا
Burn the mid night oil سخت پڑھائی کرنا
Burn day light وقت ضائع کرنا
Beat about the bush ادھر اُدھر کی باتیں کرنا
Mind your own business اپنے کام سے کام رکھنا
By the way ویسے ہی
A piece of cake بہت کام آسان
Golden calf دولت کی پوجا
Call down گالی گلوچ
Call to mind یاد کرنا
To call bad names گالی دینا
Burn the candle at both ends دونوں ہاتھوں سے اُڑانا
Feather’s in one cap قابل فخر
Cap in hand عاجزانہ
Capital error سخت غلطی
A capital sentence سزائے موت
Knowing card مکمل شناسا
Paly one’s card well اچھا کام کرنا
Show one’s cards راز کھولنا
Speak by the card مطلب کی بات کرنا
On the carpet زیر بحث
Talk the cake عزت دار
Carry the day کامیاب ہونا 
In any case ہر قیمت پر
In cash پیسے والا 
Out of cash پیسے کے بغیر
Bell the eat نامکمل کام
To let the cat out of the bag راز فاش کرنا
Cat’s paw کسی کا آلہ کار ہونا
Cheap jack سستا سامان
Feel cheap بے عزتی محسوس کرنا
To keep in check مایوس رکھنا 
Chicken hearted بزدل
Child’s play آسان کام
Child wife چھوٹی عمر کی بیوی
Chip of the old block باپ جیسا
Chitty faced بچوں جیسا
Choke down کچلنا
Choke off چھٹکارا پانا
Vicious circle شیطانی چکر
Clap trap واہ واہ حاصل کرنے کا طریقہ
Clap on the back ہمت بندھانا
Cleat the way راستہ کھولنا
Clash Clash گپ شپ
Clothe in words لفظوں میں اظہار کرنا
Cloud castle دن کا خواب
Live in clover عیش میں زندگی گزارنا
Blow the coals ابصار
Drive a nail in one’s Coffin تابوت میں کیل لگانا
Throw cold feet لڑائی نہ کرنا
Give colour ریچسپ بنانا
Lose colour اچھی شکل کھونا
Come to grief پریشان ہونا
Come true سچ ثابت کرنا
Comfort station باتھ روم
Common people عام لوگ
Left Handed طنزیہ لوگ
Pros and Cons اونچ نیچ
To be in contact تعلق ہونا
Contempt of  توہین عدالت
To the contrary متضاد
Copy cat نقل کرنا
All the corners of the earth ہر جگہ
With the four corners چار دیواری میں 
At the cost of دوسروں کے خرچے میں
A far cry کافی فاصلہ 
Behind the curtain پردے کے پیچھے
At daggers drawn خون کے پیاسے
Handy pandy بے وقوف
Dash of good blood اچھی خصوصیات ہونا
Out of date پُرانا
Doom’s day روز قیامت
To loose the day جنگ ہار جانا
Dead drunk نشے میں
At death’s door موت کے قریب 
Put the death قتل کر دینا
Jaws of death موت کی دہلیز پر 
To death آخر تک
In deep water مشکل میں 
In great demand بہت قدر ہونا
Destination moon بہت مشکل میں
Between the devid and the deep see دونوں طرف سے مشکل
Die hard موت سے لڑنا

Prevent روکنا Irreligious لامذہب
Contempt توہین کرنا Consensus ہم آہنگی
Indispose ناراض Extremist اشنا پسند
Revenge بدلہ Ill-temper چڑچڑا پن
Irrelevant غیر متعلق Predict پیش گوئی
Reliable قابل اعتماد Prestige وقار
Priority اولیت Infant بچہ
Dignity شان Instrument آلہ
Mischief شرارت Insufficient ناکافی
Complaint فریاد Interrogative پوچھ گھاچھ کرنا
Occupancy قبضہ Introduce متعارف کرنا
Non-existed ناترس Victor جیتنے والا
Pleasant خوشگوار Childish احمقانہ
Good will ساکھ Emphasize زور دینا
Product پیداوار Plunder لوٹ مار
Era وقت Deliberate غور کرنا
Pretend بہانہ کرنا Paodonbale قابل معافی
Huge بہت بڑا Amusement تفریح
Immoral بداخلاق Patrol گشت کرنا
Impeachment مواخذہ کرنا Fastidious نازک مزاج
Inefficient نالائق Festival تہوار
Attitude رویہ Oppressive ظالمانہ
Patriot محب وطن Opponent مخالف
Existence وجود Impunity سزا سے بریت
Fragrant خوشبودار Propitiate منانا
Delay تاخیر Baton charge لاٹی چارج
Deprive right حق مارنا Identity پہچان
Determine عزم کرنا Veracious بہت بھوکا
Forged جعلی Vagabond آوارہ
Executioner جلاد Hunting شکار کرنا
Claim دعوٰی کرنا Dynamic چالاک
Hopeless بے بس Distinction فرق کرنا
Implicate لپیٹ میں آنا Nepotism ناجائز حمایت
Encounter مقابلہ کرنا Ordinary معمولی
Devastate برباد کرنا Pat ٹپکی دینا
Elementary ابتدائی Skill مہارت
Influence مداخلت کرنا Ancient بہت پُرانا
Further کے علاوہ Entrenchment مورچہ
Initiate شروع کرنا Complicate پیچیدہ
Accidental اتفاقیہ Mental patient دماغی مریض
Violation خلاف ورزی Spite تھوکنا
A Postpone ملتوی کرنا Sharpness تیزی
Insurgent باغی Victim شکار ہونا
Sabotage تخریب کاری Measure پیمائش
Slogan نعرہ Stress زور دینا
Insurgence بغاوت Temporary عارضی
Propitiate غصہ ٹھنڈا کرنا Blemish عیب
Wink at آنکھ مارنا Curse لعنت
Conscious ہوش میں ہونا Resume پھر شروع کرنا
Unconscious بے ہوش ہونا Composite ملا جلا
Unity اتحاد Inflate ہوا بھرنا
Hypocrite منافق Oblivious غافل
Tolerate برداشت کرنا Catapult غلیل
Conspiracy سازشی Cave غار
Sagacious دانشمند Piffle بکواس کرنا
Sufficient کافی Embezzle غبن کرنا
Genius ذہین Snuffle ناک میں بولنا
Peevish تنگ مزاج